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June 29, 2015
                        Town of Princeton, Mass  -  June 29, 2015
                               Minutes  -  Board of Selectmen
6 PM  The Meeting was called to order in the Town Hall Annex.  Present were Chair, Edith Morgan and members Stan Moss and Jon Fudeman.  Also in attendance was Interim Town Administrator Robert Reed.
New Business
The first new business item was appointments.  The Board had before it a list of re-appointments for Fy ’16.  These were Barbara C. Clark as an alternate to the Parks and Recreation Commission and Chris Courville as Tree Warden and Moth Inspector.  Mr. Moss moved to approve the list and Mr. Fudeman seconded, the vote was unanimous.  The Town Clerk also included a list of positions remaining vacant (attached).   The Board also amended its appointment of to the Montachusett Vocational School
Ms. Grettum addressed the Board regarding the Cemetery Commission’s approval of Andy Brown’s recommendation of Jami Delorge to the working foreman position in the Cemetery Department at a rate of $15.00 per hour effective July 1, 2015.  Mr. Moss moved that Ms. Delorge be made working foreman in the Cemetery Department at the rate of $15.00 per hour effective July 1, 2015 and for the remainder of the season.  Mr. Fudeman seconded and the vote was unanimous.
Ms. Grettum also asked the Board to approve the sale of two cemetery lots, Lot 18A spaces c and d in Woodlawn 1986 extension to Richard E. Goodnow.  Mr. Moss moved the sale and Mr. Fudeman seconded.  The vote was unanimous.
The Board also discussed the quorum of members for the Council on Aging.  Mr. Moss stated that the number of members had to comply with state statute.

Other Business
Mr. Moss updated the Board on Broadband issues and distributed a draft Request for Information (RFI) for the Board’s review and comment.  
There was further discussion on special legislation to address the control issue and borrowing.  Mr. Fudeman stated his concerns with the legislation and distributed a document he had produced entitled “Negatives of Broadband Builder Financing”, dated June 29, 2015 (attached).
The Board agreed to meet on Tuesday, July 7, 2015 with the Advisory Committee to further discuss Broadband issues.
 Mr. Reed asked the Board to approve three reserve fund requests and one inter departmental request.  The interdepartmental request was for the Fire Department and was to transfer $4,091.99  from Fire expense to Fire salaries due to the number of brush fires and mutual aid requests.  The Reserve Fund requests were for $323.00 to supplement the Town Administrator Salary line, $1,250.00 to supplement the Medicare line and $620.00 to supplement the Animal Control line.
Mr. Moss moved to approve the transfers as presented, Mr. Fudeman seconded, the vote was unanimous.

Mr. Moss moved to go into executive session under MGL Chap 30A section 21; To consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property, and to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation.  Mr. Fudeman seconded.  Ms. Morgan asked for a roll call vote; Mr. Moss aye, Mr. Fudeman aye, Ms. Morgan aye.  The vote was unanimous.  Mr. Moss moved to adjourn the meeting and not return to open session after the executive session, Mr. Fudeman seconded, the vote was unanimous.
The time was 8:45

Respectfully submitted

Robert T. Reed
Interim Town Administrator

Referenced documents:  List of re-appointments for Fy ’16; List of positions remaining vacant; Three reserve fund requests and one inter departmental request;  “Negatives of Broadband Builder Financing”

Marie Auger
Administrative Assistant
Planning Department